Friday, March 07, 2008

How does it feel to be a woman?

We are a day away from the International Women’s Day. I just thought today..I should think today.

How does it feel to be a woman?
*It feels like the sun and the rain. It feels poetic. I think being a woman makes me love fearlessly, selflessly, wholeheartedly. I can reach out like no man can. Every woman can reach out that way.

*It makes me vulnerable. My eyes speak. The world is blind. Yet, my eyes speak.

*It gives me the strength to walk alone. It lights me from inside when the world shuts every light.

*I can lead. But I won’t. I will follow you because I want to.

The crazy woman
She still loves
Like the lightening
She is born again

Earth had to be a woman
Her one resolve
Turns his tide

The crazy woman
She walks the last mile
of his no man’s land

The midnight darkness
is the thin line of her kohl

the winkled hand
like the perfectionist
like some avant-garde artist
etches the lines on his young palm.